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Road to All-Rounder(English Ver.): Evolutionary process of the week 23-1213

Umetoreman has a Youtube channel where he puts up home training and home training videos.

◎Ume-Training Lab.

I am very happy to receive a high rating for each video. I appreciate it once again.

Thank you very much.

(。-人-。) Thanks.   


I can say this clearly.( 个_个 )

At least most of the people watching the video will be training toward solid body building results and benefits! That's what I'm saying.

And that's not running away from resisting aging,

there is a world of difference between those who seem to exercise and those who really don't want to do anything about it.

that they really don't want to do anything.


Just as the Corona disaster has increased the number of masked police in the gym,

There is a growing number of people who make fun of the minority of people who work hard and seek results from their training.

I am concerned that more and more people are making fun of those who do not belong to the "exercising body group".

(ノーへ― )

ChokoZap has opened near the gym where I usually work.

I have already mentioned in this Blog about ChokoZap's good strategy,

◎Road to All-Rounder: 今週の進化過程23-1101

Is this proof of the pace of store openings?

I never thought it would be possible to open one so close by.

(    ̄_) | chocho |

What kind of clientele are they attracting? I'm kind of looking at the "Mere Old Man,

I get the impression that they are relatively young people.

It's 24 hours, easy to go anytime, cheap...,

And when I imagine the reasons, there are many factors that become clear to me, which is just as well,

I happened to look at some data on the demographics of fitness clubs the other day,

I was surprised by a certain surprise.

|PC|_( ̄0 ̄  ) Oh, this is!

When it comes to fitness gyms and clubs, the most common user groups are,
60 generations female (21%) 20 generations male (19%) 30 generations female (15%)
Fitness clubs are characterized by a high percentage of young men and older women users. In addition, users in their 50s and older are prominent in general sports clubs.


In this way, the tendency for all young people to flow to the gym 24 hours a day is clearly evident.

On the other hand,

Fitness clubs and gyms are likely to continue to accelerate the trend toward an older population.

In the past, these older adults tended to congregate in gyms with attached baths and large spaces.

However, it seems that this is no longer the case,

However, now it seems that this is no longer the case, and that gyms are also becoming a kind of gathering space.

There is also a gym where Umetreman is taking care of you,

Not only has the age group clearly increased since the opening of the gym, but since Corona has been closed for a while, I have noticed an increase in the number of people who are "in shape to train while at the gym.

(ノ ̄_ ̄  ) which reminds me ...

The owner's

"We want to be a community facility with close ties to the local community!" I think this is also a factor in the project's success,

The service is offered as an optional service,

Many of the participants are older than the average age of the participants in the yoga, Pilates, and stretching classes offered as optional services.

What motivates older people (especially women) to participate in these optional activities?

To build up their bodies! Rather, they want to make a change in their daily lives! It seems to me that the motivation is more

I feel that this is a strong motivation.

Therefore, no matter how long any class lasts, it never leaves the beginner's class level,The instructors are limited in what they teach, and seem to do the same thing all the time.

On the other hand, it is not that there are no young people who join gyms,

However, it is difficult for them to settle in, and they tend to leave relatively early.

This is due to financial and communication issues (talking to older people is a pain in the ass!). But, I think the 24-hour gyms are more accessible,

It seems that 24-hour gyms are easier to go to.

I think as a composition,

①People in their 20s to early 40s.ーExercise silently at your own timing


②Late 40s or olderーHarmonious community of exercise subs.

I believe that the Japanese fitness industry has become the most recent example of this.

What I want to say here is,

"Neither of these situations is far from being effective or successful."

(´・ω・`) disappointment…

① seems to be a high hurdle to continue and make it a habit in terms of motivation.

There were three elements,

First, the motivation to keep going to Gym,

(σ(゚∀゚ ) Can you carry me? Every time!

And motivation to train there.

(σ(゚∀゚ ) Can you make me feel better? Every time!

Motivation to add creativity to the menu to avoid getting stuck in a rut

(σ(゚∀゚ ) Can you entertain me? Every time!

These three became major hurdles,

tiresome!⊂(  つ_0_)つ unbearable!

I think that many people would be like that.


A body that is somehow doing it,

I'm going through it! (Ostensibly...)

(-_-ノ ) Don't say it.

I tend to be in a "like" state,

I don't think this is the way to 'Something in your body is going to change! I think it is impossible to move toward

(ヾノ・∀・`) impossible.

So what about ②? That is to say,

This one has little motivation to make it a habit and to continue, but it also has almost no effect or result,

I think that the effect and results are almost nil.

・Loud conversations while sitting on a machine and exercising,

(ヽ(*´∀`)ノSo, you knowevery time!)

We would sit and spend long hours talking afterwards,

(ヾ(・д・` ) the other dayevery time!)

Where does it hurt? They brag to each other by asking "Where does it hurt?

(σ(T~T;。) It hurts~!every time!)

Are you here to spoil it?

Are you here to exercise?

I thought it was to get out of a lack of exercise or to get healthy in the first place・・・

Oy! I think you forgot something!

( ノ# ̄〇 ̄)つ I thought it wasn't!

After all is said and done,

Wherever you go in Japan, you will find a lot of people with gym bodies.

After Corona, the majority of the people are in the gym,

I think that less than 10% of them are making good results toward health and body building....

So what should we do? Well...

There is a definite common element in the above,

『Running away from resisting aging.』

『It's normal to run away, we all do.』、

The fact that this has become the norm as if it were a common rule

Umetoreman especially feels that this is what has ruined the Japanese fitness industry in recent years.

I was too disappointed to think about it,

I complained unintentionally to the usual staff....

It's no good. No matter what I say

(  |||  ̄0) ( ̄_ ̄#  )…。

Stupid! I don't have time for whining!

(  ; ̄-) 〇(>0<#〇 ) We're moving forward!

After he blackmailed me...

She talked about how he had recently started offering the multi-joint training that Umetoreman had recommended as a personal training program.

She talked about his responsibility to communicate with others.

We are all trying to change because of you!

( ; ̄- ̄(0(个0个;  )    

As I was being scolded, I was remembering a famous scene from the movie『 Rocky the Final.』

Life beats you down heavier than any punch.
But no matter how hard you are hit, no matter how severely you are beaten, keep moving forward without resting.
You just have to endure the pain and keep moving forward. Victory lies ahead.
If you believe in your worth, don't hesitate to move forward.
Never fear punch.
Don't point fingers at others and blame them for your weakness!
That's what cowards do!
You are not a coward! You are my son!

Reference:My Room522 Blog

I am very happy that Corona is now over and the world is getting back to normal.

The time of the Corona Disaster was because there were restrictions on what we could do,

I feel that while there were more people who were less physically active, there were also more sincere people who continued to actively move their bodies.

After Corona now,

'This is the way it is for me because it's the way it is for everyone around me!'

I have never thought that the people who are working hard on their training will be the same as the people who are working hard on their training,

I wonder how it is to continue to give a blank stare and atmosphere to those who are working hard on their training. I think.

That's what Rocky says,

Don't point fingers at others and blame them for your weakness!That's what cowards do!"

I wonder if it is the same as



In this issue.

The "blank stare is a drag on those who work hard".

The negative impact that the body that is doing the work has on the attitude of sincere effort.

While quoting a famous scene from the movie "Rocky the Final,

"The psychological factors that prevent exercise from taking root in fitness gyms.

This is one of Umetoreman's thoughts on the subject.

I hope you will find this another reference for making training a habit. reference_〆(  ̄ー ̄ )♫

AMRAP: As Many Reps As Possible

In this issue,

I would like to focus on 'Getting through the hard work ... to win.

By continuing to work through a menu consisting of three slightly strenuous movements for nine minutes, we will focus on developing the mental strength to stay focused and to finish the workout. No matter how many times you stop or rest during the workout, as long as there is time, you will build the mental strength to move your body again.

And here's the thing.

Fun when done at home training,『 Victory lies ahead of us if we continue to work hard!Stand Up!! ━━( o_ )o━━( o――)o━━( 9 ̄^ ̄)9━━━(  9 ̄0 ̄)9 Adriaーnis the theme of this issue.

If you were able to do it last time with enough time and composure,


If you have been the hare and the tortoise in the hare and the tortoise and overslept,

Now it's time to make up for it and finish all the work you left behind! |PC|_(T0T  ) I'm working on it now!

Can you handle the hard work with a competitive spirit?

Whether you'll lose to the punches of life and turn into a coward? It depends on how you feel.

Believe in yourself! (   ̄д ̄)つ   0(  ̄0 ) win

Road to All-Rounder: 今週の進化過程23-1209

《 Victory lies ahead of us if we continue to work hard!! Stand Up!! ━━( o_ )o━━( o――)o━━( 9 ̄^ ̄)9━━━(  9 ̄0 ̄)9 Adriaーn!》


S1. 3 Hand-Over-hand Pull < Plate 50Kg >

S2. 6 D.B Thrusters < D.B 7Kg × 2 >

S3. 9 T2H2B

※First, let me briefly explain the menu structure I used.

Set the timer to 12 minutes and let it count down to begin.

I did this by moving for 12 minutes and getting as many reps as possible.

Since it is a series of power systems + mobility & stability, the whole body control is fundamental.

The whole-body control is now the basic.

S1 pushes and pulls a sliding disk with a plate for 50 kg for 5 m for 3 round trips.

S2 is 6 thrusters with two 7Kg dumbbells.

S3 is T2H2B 9 times with a series of Burpee positions with chest immediately after Toes to Hand.

It was quite exhausting because I had to keep using my whole body to output power, but I was able to work out all over my body.

⊂(   つ; ̄д ̄)つ I'm a little tired...


《 Scale:Scale down for home training 》 《 Victory lies ahead of us if we continue to work hard!! Stand Up!! ━━( o_ )o━━( o――)o━━( 9 ̄^ ̄)9━━━(  9 ̄0 ̄)9 Adriaーn!》


S1. 8 D.B Twist & Wiper Lunge < D.B 2Kg × 1 / 2L × 1 >

S2. 15 D.B Thrusters < D.B 2Kg × 2 / 2L × 2 >

S3. 21 Roller Complex ( TU-VU-T2H )

When done at home, scaling is done by substituting the movement.

Prepare one timer, set it for 9 minutes, and let it count down to start.

( This will be a basic no-rest menu, so you will be pacing yourself.)

Start with S1 and when you are done with S3, go back to S1 again and keep doing it as long as you have time.

The point is, how many reps did you get overall? is the goal, so,

Can you make it to 3 rounds (135 reps)! Let's take the challenge. The content will be designed to cultivate the ability to focus and continue to do so.

<How to Train>

S1.  8 D.B Twist & Wiper Lunge < D.B 2Kg × 1 / 2L × 1 >

Use 1 dumbbell or 1 plastic bottle.

Lunge with either the left or right leg in front while holding the dumbbell at the chest, and at the same time twist the entire upper body to the side of the leg in front of you.

Then go back and lunge with the opposite leg and finish the upper body twist, then lunge forward again with the dumbbells lifted above your head (overhead style) and simultaneously roll your upper body to the side of your forward leg.

Then go on the opposite foot and go all the way through. This is for 4 times. Do two sets of this.

Hold it in front of you ((( つ=⊂ ))) Lunge with upper body twist!

Below is a video of it in action, so you can take a peek at it for reference if you like.

S2.  15 D.B Thrusters < D.B 2Kg × 2 / 2L × 2 >

Use dumbbells or two plastic bottles. Squat once with the dumbbells rotated forward and grounded at the acromion of the shoulder, then raise them overhead with the momentum of standing up.

When returning to the shoulders, the squat is again formed,

and repeat. Do this 6 times.

Do Squat、\(  > ̄へ ̄)>/三(  \ ̄0 ̄)/ Raising!

Below is a video of it in action, so you can take a peek at it for reference if you like.

S3. 21 Roller Complex ( TU-VU-T2H )

It will be a complex menu with a blend of three different roll-backs types of gorgon and sleeping roll-backs.

First, do one tuck-up-to-heel hold, then one V-Up, and finally up to T2H, where you go to land your toes on the palms of your lying hands, for one count. This will be done as high as 21 times, so do your best to finish it at your own pace and focus on your own pace!

a lot ("(  つ_0_)つ))) lie down and get up!

Below is a video of it in action, so you can take a peek at it for reference if you like.

◎KGI ( Key Goal Indicator- Goal point of this time )

Concentrate & Continue Processing Forecast Modelling

◎KPI ( Key Performance Indicator- Goals per process )

Concentrate on the movement and work your way up to your target number of times

◎Operational Act:Techniques that should be challenged

S1 is a push-pull balance with the lower body firmly in position. S2 exerts upward momentum with all of the feet and joints at the moment of lifting off.

S3 is well in rhythm with the flow back from T2H to Burpee.

◎Result:Results and Reflections

Finished with 27 reps, would have liked to get to the end of S3 but that's about it at this point....

I tried to be careful not to use too much power in S1 and 2 power systems. Rhythm is important in S3, so I took care of the flow with a sense of urgency.

◎Future Measures:issue It seems that the power output tends to drop when the thrusters come after performing a menu of force-intensive tasks.

I need to devise a way to do the thruster itself in a way that is a little less loaded.


Power systems can be performed to approach and train both muscular endurance and cardiopulmonary endurance.

There is no doubt that including it in the menu cycle on an ongoing basis will help to strengthen stamina.

From now on, I will try to include it on a regular basis.

(d ̄▽ ̄;A ) I wonder if I've put out all my energy.


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